

License: Commercial/Freemium
Involvement: Head of Audio, R&D of musical signal analysis and recommendation, project management and mentoring

The Sauce

License: Commercial
Involvement: Lead Audio Developer on behalf of Melodrive Inc. for DJ Swivel. GUI and Audio development, project management, deployment and building.

Melodrive Adaptive Music Generation

License: Freemium
Involvement: Generative Audio Developer in C++, Python, Unity


RhythmCAT is a VST software instrument for creating new loops intelligently using existing samples. By capturing a one or two bar target loop within your DAW, you can emulate the timbre and rhythmic pattern of that loop using any other samples of sounds you provide.

To learn more you can see watch this video:

Or checkout this paper from NIME: Ó Nuanáin, C., Jordà, S., & Herrera, P. (2016). An Interactive Software Instrument for Real-time Rhythmic Concatenative Synthesis. In New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Brisbane, Australia. [PDF]


GenDrum is a Max for Live device that automatically generates drum patterns using Genetic Algorithms. It has a 16-step sequencer creates kick, snare, hat and clap sounds mainly using subtractive synthesis.

SimpleGA – Genetic Algorithms for Max/Pd

SimpleGA is a basic, general purpose genetic algorithm external object that was developed for Pure Data and Max/MSP environments. It can handle binary, numerical and alphanumerical strings. A target string is supplied for determining fitness based on a variation of Hamming distance between population member strings and the target strings. A bang message on the leftmost “hot” inlet causes the genetic algorithm to undergo a generational stage of evolution and outputs the fittest individual from the pool. The second outlet outputs the fitness of the individual. Finally, the last outlet reports a bang if the target fitness has been achieved. This target fitness defaults to 1.0 but a lower target can be optionally specified.

ReactAct – Real-time Composition with Tangible User Interfaces

The ReacTacT software system is a set of Max / MSP patches, externals and scripts for real-time algorithmic composition using the ReacTable. The ReacTable Tangible User Interface is an alternative controller for synthesizers that uses computer vision technology to track physical markers on a table surface. Using the open-source reacTIVision computer vision component provided by the ReacTable team, the TUIO protocol data it provides is used to manipulate a number of compositional algorithms. At present these algorithms consist of probability tables (i.e. Xenakis), grammatical evolution and a simple tone row generator to create serial music.